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The Great Ballcourt Initiation – Spring Fast

April 15-26, 2025

Eureka Valley, CA


Death is the ultimate agent of transformation—be it a physical death or “the little deaths” encountered throughout life.  Indigenous cultures developed rituals to aid and guide people through these stages of change and renewal, utilizing the power of death to enhance and intensify these experiences.  For the Mayan people this ceremony was played out on the Great Ballcourt.  The court, and the ritual game played upon it, were an enactment of the great transformations: from life to death, from the middleworld to the underworld, from humanity to divinity. 


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Rooting and Rising—A Journey Back Home

Spring 2025 – Winter 2026

Online Only


Rooting and Rising is a pilgrimage back Home, a deep dive into your essence. Our online year long journeys are guided by time tested ancestral practices that will nudge you, if not jolt you, to re-member and reclaim the Wisdom of Earth Cycles that pulsates within you and weaves through the very fabric of Nature.


This is a call to gather and co-create a brave space where you can deeply connect with who-you-are at the different phases of your inner Moons and Seasons. In this year long immersive experience, guided by skilled and loving mature practitioners, we invite you to reveal your vision, embrace your gifts, tend to your grief and discover the potential awaiting to be seen and met in your body, in Pachamama’s body and in the body of our Communities.


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Peace of Wild Things—Monthly Meditation on the Earth

1st Saturday per month, 9:30 – 11:30 am, May-October, 2025

Ragle Ranch Park, Veteran’s Memorial Grove

Sebastopol, Sonoma County, CA 


Join us on the earth, to sit and find peace amidst the ten thousand joys and sorrows of our lives.  Our world is full of chaos, unpredictability, despair, beauty and love. Join us in the gentle shelter of the Veteran’s Memorial Grove, where warriors are honored. Where we can sit and be present with even our most ordinary battles – within and without. Where we can cultivate stillness and compassion. Where we can pray for peace. 


Each session will include two seated meditations, some mindful walking on the land, a short Dharma teaching, and group discussion.


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Wild Twin—Rewilding the Soul into Wholeness

June 22, 2025, 9am – 5pm

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, CA


Join us for a day walk in wild nature that is shaped and inspired by Martin Shaw’s book, Courting the Wild Twin. 


Entering into wilderness, we have an opportunity to reconnect with a vital part of ourselves that has not been tamed by society, has not been conditioned to “be good”. Inside each of us is a wild twin, calling to us to remember what we have disowned for the sake of belonging. On this day walk, we invite you to explore your authenticity and sense of aliveness, away from the constraints of the civilized world. This will be an opportunity to reflect on the untamed parts of yourself that you might have forgotten, exiled or left behind. We will be relating with the land as a storyteller and teacher, who might help you locate your wild twin, inspiring you to court it back home to your heart with authenticity and wholeness.


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Wisdom of Our Ancestors

September 28, 2025, 9am – 5pm

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, CA


With Ancestor Appreciation Day now officially celebrated on September 27th, we offer this day on the land (one day later) to honor our ancestors and the wisdom we carry forth because of their trials, joys, and sacrifices. On this day, we might reflect upon ancestors in our direct family line, our ancient bloodlines, or our spiritual lineages. Whose shoulders do we stand upon? What are the burdens and what are the blessings that have been passed down into our own lives? What is ours to heal, or transform? What is ours to bring forth into our world as it is now? What will we pass on to the next? On this day, you might receive messages from the land about your present-day life. Perhaps your ancestors will have messages to share with you.


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Let Go into the Mystery – The East Shield of Living and Dying

October 11-19, 2025

Eureka Valley, CA


Throughout time and cultures, people have crossed borders of their ordinary lives seeking contact with the Mystery. An experience of Oneness, it is beyond any fixed identity. Called by many names, known in a myriad of ways, yet it is ungraspable. In the wide-open view of this Mystery, living and dying are fundamentally interdependent. So too is our recognition of being wholly and completely interconnected with it all. What might it mean for you to explore this East Shield? To “Let Go into the Mystery”? 


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CA Women’s Vision Fast

November 4-15, 2025

Anza Borrego, CA


Like the waxing and waning of the moon, our inner essence is reflected in the creative forces of nature, in the continual movement of light and dark. Throughout the stages of our lives, we flow between the stages of birth, death and re-birth. You know in your bones the ancient practice of rites of passage. This is a time to go out alone, be held by the earth and the spacious desert. For four days and four nights, there is space to remember your wholeness, sink into your dreams, and release what no longer serves. 


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If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.

                                                   ~ Joanna Macy

Cynthia Eisho Morrow mft


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