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A depth-oriented psychotherapist of 30 years, I have been a close companion to many in their healing journey and search for who they truly are. A wilderness rites of passage guide of 20 years, I have served as midwife to many courageous people ready to die to what no longer serves, so that deeper gifts may be born. Practicing biodynamic craniosacral therapy, I listen for the tidal rhythms that flow through our bodies, that restore us, that created us. These rhythms are no different from what breathes life in the natural world all around us.  Now as an ordained Buddhist priest in the Japanese Tendai lineage, my vow is in the reclaiming of what is sacred, planting seeds of love and wisdom, and supporting our collective awakening and liberation from suffering.

I am a cis-gendered, white-appearing, bi-racial mix of Japanese and Northern European (with a splash of Cherokee), using she/her pronouns. A desert rat at heart, I was born in Tucson, Arizona, though most of my life has been spent in the Greater Bay Area of California. I have a mother from Japan and a father who loved deserts and mountains. Perhaps it was the countless sojourns with my family wandering through dry desert canyons, backpacking endless miles of mountainous terrain, cresting rocky passes of the high Sierras; the wilderness had no small part in raising me. The mystery of wild landscapes was imprinted on my psyche from the beginning. Coming of age with that great wild mirror, I saw glimpses into the mystery of my own human nature. Our shared human nature. Our embodied, psychological, and spiritual nature. It hooked me completely.

Being bi-racial and bi-cultural, I am innately sensitive to eastern cultural traditions specifically and cross-cultural themes generally. Yet, with gratitude and a full heart, I also carry gifts of white privilege. Along with that privilege, I carry a commitment to support what is life-affirming and life-sustaining for the benefit of all beings. My work is dedicated to healing, to the journey of becoming whole, and to the awakening to our true nature, individually and collectively. Working primarily in the realm of human nature, I am ultimately in service to the Earth and all her inhabitants.

My home lies in the unceded territory of the Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo—in what we now call Sonoma County, California.


Let a stalk of wheat
be your witness
to every difficult day.
Since it was a flame
before it was a plant,
since it was courage
before it was grain,
since it was determination
before it was growth,
and, above all, since it was prayer
before it was fruition,
it has nothing to point to
but the sky.

                               ~ Ishihara Yoshiro

Cynthia Eisho Morrow mft


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